Sparkle Stardust Gypsophila | 12 Bunches | White


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Sparkle Stardust Gypsophila (Dried Baby's Breath)
The piece de resistance of all florists is the wonderful filler Stardust gypsophila, better known as "Baby's Breath" in the United States, and "Soap Wort" in Canada.  Known as 'gyp' in the floral industry, it is indispensable when putting together fresh or dried floral arrangements. Each flower is small, only 3-10 mm in diameter and has five petals. The beautifully delicate arrangement of tiny flowers have been bleached to a beautiful bright white to add just the right touch to any floral arrangement. Order some stardust gyposphila today, we know you will love the sparkley look they add to your arrangements. 

Product:  Sparkle Baby's Breath - Dried Stardust Gypsophila
Bunch Size: 4 oz
Branches: about 12 branching branches per bunch
Length: About 25 inches tall
Color: White painted with White Glitter

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