Natural Raffia Hank | 24 Bunches | Natural Tan


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Natural Raffia Hank
Superb natural Raffia Hanks are the raffia in its most natural state.  The raffia is very long and great for working with.  Many people just tie them up and pull pieces off to use it in their projects.   If you don't like working with big bundles or need only the best then these premium quality bundles will only due.  They are only the best raffia from Madagascar. You will love these long, beautiful and wide fibers. We Guarantee it! Perfect for floral arrangements, hula skirts, making raffia bows and any project where the look matters.

Product: Raffia Hank
Color: Natural tan
Length: Very long 45-50 inches long
Amount: 12 oz of raffia per hank.  16  oz before drying
Case Option: Buy a full case of 24 raffia hanks (18 lbs) and Save Even More!
Bulk Case Option: Buy a full case of 40 lbs of raffia hanks and Save the Most!

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