Dried Mountain Meadow Flower Bouquet
This beautiful dried flower bouquet contains a variety of colors including yellow, purple, white, green and a few different hues of blue. The flowers in this bouquet are like a Springtime meadow. This bouquet would make beautiful bouquets in a wedding or on the tables, as centerpieces, in a reception. Try it in your home on a dresser, countertop, shelf, accent table, powder rooms or added to your entryway decorations. The different textures from the mix of flowers makes it an interesting focal point for your decor. These professionally dried flowers will last and last - keeping their vibrancy for years to come! Order yours today, you will love this bouquet!
Product: Dried Mountain Meadow Flower Bouquet
Size: Large Dried Flower Bunch
Top Diameter: 10-12 inches
Length: 23-26 inches
Dried flower Bouquet usual Ingredients: avena, tansy, dark & light blue larkspur, pearly everlasting and lemon mint. Flowers may vary slightly depending on season.
Case Option: Buy a full case of 12 flower bouquets and save even more! (Note: Cases may take longer to ship than usual.)