Dried Mini Lotus Pods | Brown


Options: Case of 100 - Heads Only
Sale price$32.99
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Dried Mini Lotus Pods
A native of Vietnam, the lotus flower is beautiful in its white to hot pink splendor.  The Lotus plant is an aquatic perennial which forms a distinctive circular seed pod that is as prized as the flower itself. Lotus pods are circular in shape, often with the lotus flower seed intact.  Lotus pod seeds remain viable for generations. The lotus pod seeds have germinated as long as 1300 years after formation!  When the seeds fall out of the pod, the remaining structure is truly unique, with each seed cup remaining distinct. Lotus pods are truly an interesting decoration to add to any nature or floral display.


Product: Dried mini lotus pods
Amount: 10 stems per bunch
Color: Brown
Stemmed: Comes Stemmed, Picked, or Loose
Width: 1 inch wide at the top
Case Option: Buy a case and save big!

For a truly interesting bit of nature, bring home our lotus pods to add to your home or office décor. 

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