Dried Peonies | 20 Bunches | Color Options Available


Options: Case of 20 bunches - Burgundy
Sale price$249.99
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Dried Peonies Flowers Bunch
The peony is also spelled paeony and is native to Asia, Southern Europe and Western North America.  The Peony was named after Paeon, a Greek god of medicine and healing.  Peony plants have large fragrant flowers of various beautiful shades.  The peony can grow as a single flower on a single stem, or as a bush, with multiple flowers per bush. The peony is the first known flower ever used for ornamentation and decoration.   It is the traditional floral symbol of China, where the peony is called the Mudan.  The peony is known as the flower of riches and honor.  The Japanese call the peony  'The King of Flowers.'  The peony is the state flower of Indiana, and grown throughout the United States.  In folklore it was told that mischievous nymphs and brownies hid in the petals of the Peony. We are happy to be able to offer you peony flowers that have been picked at the peak of their bloom and hung to dry naturally.  The peony's retain their beautiful bright coloring and add brilliance to any dried floral bouquet.  If you remove the petals from the stem, the beautiful petals add a delightful brilliance to potpourii.  The stemmed blossoms work well with any dried flowers arrangements, making a beautiful and long lasting bouquet that will bring a bright spot to any room.  Both nastalgic and modern day chic, the peony adds a flair to any decorating scheme.  Add peony's to your home or office decor today. Our decorative peonies are available in varying shades of purple and even white to present you with floral displays of the finest quality and distinction. Create your own cozy, country cottage with gorgeous dried peonies that will give years of enjoyment and satisfaction.


Product: Dried Peonies Flower Bunch
Flower Size: 1-2" diameter
Peonies Stem Length: 12-18 inches
Bunch Size: 5-6 flower stems per bunch
Color: Main Image, Top to bottom Dark Pink , Medium Pink, Blush, Cream , Burgundy (not pictured)
Case Option: Buy a full case of peony bunches and Save Even More!

More Info: Long lasting (Looks beautiful for years)

All natural farm grown Peonies
Cleaned and naturally dried
Easy centerpieces and Bouquets
Simply elegant

Also called: preserved flowers, preserved flower, dried flowers 


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